Wednesday 30 November 2011

I am Princess Blogger: Post 5

Deep within me,
Everything is tangled...
Pressing down on me,
Rolling around my stomach.
Emotions curl within me,
Into my very soul,
Out through my flesh...
Nothing is safe.


Everything is broken.
All around me,
Raging through me.
In me,
Nothing is safe.
Gone is my happiness...


Plenty of sadness.
Apart from when you
Reach for me, and hold me...
This is for you... My love...


Miserably in love,
P.B x

Tuesday 29 November 2011

I am Princess Blogger: Post 4

Have you ever felt completely weak? As if your energy is simply draining from your body, day after day? You look at yourself in the mirror, and turn away because you feel ashamed? Have you wondered why the hell anybody spends the precious minutes of their lives with you? Thought about why anyone could love you? 
I have.

I think about what is so wrong with me every day and I feel like tearing my hair out because I'm so frustrated with the constant flood of negativity inside my head.
I can't stop it.

I have had my fair share of suffering... No where near as much as some... But I still keep asking why. Why me? Why does it continue? Why does it affect my friends so badly?
They worry.

I want it all to stop... But there aren't many ways to reach that goal...

Still here...
P.B xx


Sunday 27 November 2011

I am Princess Blogger: Post 3

breathe in so deep,
this air is blessed,
you share with me.
This night is wild,
so calm and dull,

these hearts they race,
from self control.
Your legs are smooth,
as they graze mine,
we're doing fine,
we're doing nothing at all.

My hopes are so high,
that your kiss might kill me.
So won't you kill me,
so I die happy.
My heart is yours to fill or burst,
to break or bury,
or wear as jewelery,
which ever you prefer.

The words are hushed lets not get busted;
just lay 
entwined here, undiscovered.
Safe in here from all the stupid questions.
"hey did you get some?"
Man, that is so dumb.
Stay quiet, stay near, stay close they can't hear...
so we can get some.

My hopes are so high that your kiss might kill me.
So won't you kill me, so I die happy.
My heart is yours to fill or burst,
to break or bury, or wear as jewelery,
which ever you prefer.

Hands down this is the best day I can ever remember,
I'll always remember the sound of the stereo,
the dim of the soft lights,
the scent of your hair that you twirled in your fingers
and the time on the clock when we realized it's so late
and this walk that we shared together.
The streets were wet
and the gate was locked so I jumped it,
and I let you in.
And you stood at your door with your hands on my waist
and you kissed me like you meant it.
And I knew that you meant it,
that you meant it,
that you meant it,
and I knew,
that you meant it,
that you meant it.

There are so many things that you can depict from this song, to mean whatever you want... but one thing's for sure, it's about being with someone you love... <3

Thursday 24 November 2011

I am Princess Blogger: Post 2

These next few blogs are some of the best posts from my old blog
which i'm now transferring to here :)

so here is one of them, straight from the blog:
A story just for you guys... (though i may use it in the future...)

She ran as fast as she could... her breathing coming in short, sharp, stabs of air. He was following her.
She carried on running. Although, as hard as she tried, she couldn't rid herself of his dark crimson eyes. No matter how far she got, she somehow knew, that those eyes would be watching her in her dreams for a very long time...
Suddenly, with one poisonous intake of air, she was thrown to the ground as an excrutiating pain overwhelmed her entire body. She scratched at her stomach, hoping to be able to drag the screaming hurt from her, but it wouldn't leave her! The pain was in her very skin, her flesh, her blood... Flowing through her body. 
When it was almost too much, and her eyes began to shudder closed, as the tears seeped from the corners of her eyes, through blurred vision, she saw him. Those eyes. He stood over her.
"Goodnight, Danni..." He screeched, and then burst into a piercing shriek of laughter, and the poor girl's eyes shut.
* * * 

If you want to know what happened to Danni, COMMENT! or she may be lost forever...

Forever here,
P.B  and The man with the crimson eyes... xx

I am Princess Blogger: Post 1

I'm actually not new to blogging, I'm just exchanging sites, as my last one was quite confusing...

As this is my first post on here, however, I thought I should at least introduce myself...

I am Princess Blogger - if you hadn't already guessed- and I am a writer through and through... In my blog I hope to include, not just personal and emotional rants to help me personally, (and maybe offer advice to others who feel in a similar situation), but to explode with arresting and sometimes amusing snapshots of my writing, and maybe (hopefully) get some feedback!
I always write fiction, unless I am explaining a personal experience, so if you love Ye Olde Shakespeare, or maybe modern writers like Roald Dahl or Lemony Snicket, I'll be happy to oblige, however, some of my writing may have slightly darker intent and direction....

Anywho, enjoy!
And PLEASSEEEEEE give me feedback if you like anything.
WiTh LoVe,

PB xxx