Tuesday 29 November 2011

I am Princess Blogger: Post 4

Have you ever felt completely weak? As if your energy is simply draining from your body, day after day? You look at yourself in the mirror, and turn away because you feel ashamed? Have you wondered why the hell anybody spends the precious minutes of their lives with you? Thought about why anyone could love you? 
I have.

I think about what is so wrong with me every day and I feel like tearing my hair out because I'm so frustrated with the constant flood of negativity inside my head.
I can't stop it.

I have had my fair share of suffering... No where near as much as some... But I still keep asking why. Why me? Why does it continue? Why does it affect my friends so badly?
They worry.

I want it all to stop... But there aren't many ways to reach that goal...

Still here...
P.B xx



  1. Your friends worry because they care for you. You're special to them and they want to be there for you as good, true friends do. I'm guessing by the way you write here that you have a boyfriend/fiance? Well I'm positive that he will regard you as someone far more than worthy of his time (and based on your literacy skills, he's a very lucky man indeed!) You shouldn't feel repulsed to look at yourself in the mirror. You don't know me and nor I know you but I know that you are beautiful... and a very special person. And if there is just one thing you can take away from this post, I hope it will be the knowledge that this humble stranger thinks you are someone worthy of his time and I love you.
    T.W xx

  2. You are worthy of my time? Surely I am worthy of YOUR time... It would be highly appreciated if you could take time to speak to me... And i shall talk over your issues (and your girlfriend's) with you... But, I do not think it is fair... I have enough people worrying about me as it is... and I hate, more than almost anything, dumping my burdens on other peoples' shoulders... So thanks, but it's up to you...
    With love,
    P.B xx
