Monday 19 December 2011

I am Princess Blogger: Post 10

Dear readers... 

I don't actually know how many of you read my blog, but I do know that my page views have gone up a lot recently, so thanks to everyone who reads it. 

Right now, I'm in a solemn and melancholy... I don't truly understand why...
I feel empty... alone.

It may be because it's Christmas, and that was is his favourite time of year...

It may be because it's Christmas, and I feel even less faithful than ever...


It may be because my boyfriend isn't here, to hold me... to embrace me... to wrap his arms around me as tightly as he can, and never let me go... 

Yet, at the same time, I am happy it's Christmas :) 

I am no Ebenezer Scrooge.

I don't mean to complain... I don't mean to seek attention... I just want to be with EVERYONE I love this Christmas...

I hope you all have a fantastic Christmas, and if I don't write before then, you better not shout, and you better not cry, you better not pout, I'm tellin' you why...


Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas to All and To All a Goodnight...

Merry Christmas, everyone...
P.B xx

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